Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hurricane Mitch

When many people think of Honduras, they think of the devastation caused by Hurricane Mitch. Hurricane Mitch was a category 5 storm that hit Honduras in 1998. Today many Hondurans still think of life in terms of before and after Hurricane Mitch like Americans think of 9/11. The hurricane left 20% of the population homeless (~1.5 million), ~7,000 dead, and the Honduran president at the time claimed it destroyed 50 years of progress in the country. In 2001 I took this picture of destruction caused by Hurricane Mitch. Wikipedia has this good writeup.



Blogger 11 Charlie said...

It might sound callous and insensitive but I've been at a CQB range for 12 hours today and sunburned lips make me grumpy but... doesn't Honduras have about 20% homeless anyhow? How many of the homes destroyed does one imagine were homes like those in "el divino paraiso" or "Jardines de Carrrizal" which could be reconstructed in a couple of days with some scrap floating around and maybe even look better than the original. But yes, it really was a tragedy and I love the people there.

February 21, 2007 at 6:21 PM  
Blogger bryan said...

homeless is so relative

February 23, 2007 at 12:40 PM  

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